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RED Holding
Работодатель: RED Holding

RED Holding

Is a dynamically growing startup in the field of international real estate. We help increase sales in real estate agencies and among developers worldwide. Currently, a new direction, RED Experts, is actively developing. We provide a full range of services in real estate purchasing for living and investment in Phuket. In just 1 year of work, our team has grown to 40+ awesome specialists, and our geography has expanded to include Bali, Georgia, Thailand, Northern Cyprus, Turkey, the UAE.

What teams are working inside RED:

• Sales Department - provides the best customer service worldwide, including financial expertise and detailed investment return calculations.• Marketing Department - generates ideas and hypotheses 24/7 to attract new clients and increase brand recognition.• Traffic Department - analyzes, adjusts, and optimizes advertising campaigns non-stop.• Design Department - works on visuals and creatives.• Copywriting Department - creates texts to solve marketing tasks.Why do employees choose RED?• Warm working atmosphere within the team. We value the contribution of each employee and try to create all conditions for comfortable work,   whether it's a necessary additional day off, assistance in work processes, or a personal motivational meeting.• Mentorship. We don't leave employees alone with problems, during the 2-month adaptation period, newcomers are accompanied by a mentor who helps in all work processes.• Remote flexible work format, we are for life-work balance. Our team is scattered around the world and operates in different time zones.• Common goal. First and foremost, we value a quality product. We work at convenient times and don't engage in micromanagement because we aim to maintain trust and freedom in our team.• Team growth. We welcome the development of employees and regularly organize webinars, courses, and provide all the necessary tools.• Clear motivation system. If an employee shows excellent results, we will definitely appreciate it in monetary terms.Join the RED team right now!

Все вакансии работодателя

Head of SMM От 1000 До 2000 USD Москва
Junior Sales Manager До 1200 USD Москва
Специалист по ведению автоворонок (part-time) До 1000 USD Москва
Финансовый ассистент/Финансовый менеджер От 50000 RUR Москва
Head of Real Estate Sales department (Thailand) От 3000 USD Москва
Real Estate Relationship Manager (Dubai) От 3000 До 15000 USD ОАЭ
Recruiter/HR manager От 70000 RUR Москва

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