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Здесь могла быть Ваша реклама
Накрутка лайков, подписчиков, групп, друзей, репостов, фолловеров - бесплатно
Конкурс "Поделись с друзьями"
Работодатель: FUNCORP

FUNCORP develops entertaining UGC applications with millions of daily users worldwide. We actively develop our products and launch new ones using a data-driven approach, machine learning, modern technologies, tools, and SDK. No legacy, technical debt, or bureaucracy.
In this paradigm, employees constantly learn new technologies and improve existing processes. We are looking for those whose career priorities are to grow with the team and work on technology hits. We crave your knowledge, expertise, new ideas, and desire to experiment in application development and support.                                               

We know how to deliver entertainment content quickly and efficiently, and we do it perhaps better than anyone else.

Despite apps' apparent simplicity, robust solutions and modern methodologies are under the hood.
We use next-generation databases, service-oriented architecture, orchestration, and automatic horizontal scaling to serve millions of users worldwide every day, responding to more than 60,000 requests per second at peak.

The analytics system receives and processes 8 billion events per day, allowing us to know everything that is going on in the application community.

We have a fast development cycle with frequent releases and prompt feedback. All FUNCORP product decisions are based on metrics and test results. No legacy, technical debt or bureaucracy.
Our developers make their own decisions and influence the choice of technology and the product.

We offer:

  • Powerful and fast hardware, Apple equipment.
  • Own technical meetups, corporate events.
  • IT meetups and conferences participation.
  • Referral bonuses $3000 and relocation package.                      

We have offices in Yerevan, Armenia, and Limassol, Cyprus. 

Все вакансии работодателя

Editor До 800 EUR Германия
Editor До 800 EUR Польша
Editor До 800 EUR Тбилиси
Editor До 800 EUR Армения
Social Media Manager (Telegram) От 1300 До 2500 USD Москва
SMM-менеджер (Телеграм) От 1300 До 2500 USD Москва
Бухгалтер От 40000 До 70000 RUR Пенза
Senior Data Scientist (Recommender Systems) От 5000 До 6500 EUR Санкт-Петербург
Editor ЗП не указана Москва
ASO-специалист От 2000 До 2500 USD Санкт-Петербург
Senior Data Scientist (Recommender Systems) От 5000 До 6500 EUR Москва
Senior DevOps От 5000 До 6500 EUR Москва
ASO-специалист От 2000 До 2500 USD Москва
Senior DevOps От 5000 До 6500 EUR Санкт-Петербург
ASO-manager От 2000 До 2500 USD Тбилиси
Senior DevOps От 5000 До 6500 EUR Кипр
Senior Data Scientist (Recommender Systems) От 5000 До 6500 EUR Кипр
Middle Kotlin Backend Developer (Core Product) От 3000 До 4000 USD Тбилиси
Middle Kotlin Backend Developer (Core Product) От 3000 До 4000 USD Армения
Middle Kotlin Backend Developer (Core Product) От 3000 До 4000 EUR Кипр

'yenisite:facebook.comments' is not a component

'yenisite:vk.comments' is not a component

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