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EPAM Uzbekistan
Работодатель: EPAM Uzbekistan

EPAM is a digital platform engineering and top digital and product design agency. With over 61,600+ engineers, designers and consultants operating in 55+ countries across North America, Europe, Asia and Australia, our EPAMers are knowledge-hungry and ambitious individuals who work with the world’s leading companies across a variety of industries.

EPAM is changing the technology landscape.

At EPAM, we don’t just work for our clients, we work with them to provide support as well as engaging, and often award-winning technology solutions across our capabilities in Digital Engagement, Advanced Technology, Intelligent Enterprise, and Core Engineering, and we can not do it without your help. Here you’ll be a part of large-scale projects used by and visible to customers across the globe. 


  • We are a global team of 52,000+ technologists and thinkers united by our values and passion for technology
  • We encourage EPAMers to grow by learning from mistakes, celebrating results, and being independent thinkers
  • We care about the world around us and use our technical capabilities and expertise to improve our communities
  • We offer flexible and remote work options, and opportunities to collaborate with EPAMers around 55+ countries
  • Our people are the source of our success, and we provide opportunities for smart, self-motivated, proactive individuals

EPAM Uzbekistan.

In 2019 we opened an office in Tashkent, which has grown into an engineering community helping our customers navigate the waves of digital transformation.

Join us.

EPAM is looking for talented individuals to join our global team of technologists and thinkers who are united by our values and passion for technology in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. You'll work with cutting-edge technologies to create innovative solutions, enhance current capabilities and expand engineering knowledge. Are you in?

Все вакансии работодателя

Data Analytics Engineering Trainee ЗП не указана Нукус
Data Science Trainee ЗП не указана Ташкент
Data Analytics Engineering Trainee ЗП не указана Ташкент
Data Analytics Engineering Trainee ЗП не указана Ургенч
Data Analytics Engineering Trainee ЗП не указана Карши
Event & Community Specialist ЗП не указана Ташкент
Data Analytics Engineering Trainee ЗП не указана Коканд
Data Analytics Engineering Trainee ЗП не указана Термез
Data Analytics Engineering Trainee ЗП не указана Джизак
Software Functional Testing Trainee ЗП не указана Ташкент
Data Analytics Engineering Trainee ЗП не указана Гулистан
Data Science Trainee ЗП не указана Чирчик
Data Analytics Engineering Trainee ЗП не указана Бухара
Data Analytics Engineering Trainee ЗП не указана Фергана
Data Analytics Engineering Trainee ЗП не указана Самарканд
Data Analytics Engineering Trainee ЗП не указана Ахангаран
Data Science Trainee ЗП не указана Нукус
Data Analytics Engineering Trainee ЗП не указана Андижан
Data Analytics Engineering Trainee ЗП не указана Навои
Data Science Trainee ЗП не указана Наманган

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