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VFS Global is the world's largest outsourcing and technology services specialist for governments and diplomatic missions worldwide. The company manages administrative and non-judgmental tasks related to visa, passport, identity management and other citizen services for its client governments enabling them to focus entirely on the critical task of assessment. 

With 2530 Application Centres and operations in 137 countries across five continents, VFS Global serves the interests of 58 client governments. The company has successfully processed over 163 million applications since its inception in 2001.

The company offers differentiated services and solutions to its client governments. Visa application processing and consular support services offer diplomatic missions an integrated process from submission to delivery. These services include operations, information and financial solutions for an end-to-end process, depending on specific consular requirements. 

Все вакансии работодателя

Консультант Визового Центра, Италия ЗП не указана Атырау
Консультант визового центра От 217000 До 217000 KZT Алматы
Консультант визового центра (UK) От 217000 До 217000 KZT Алматы
Консультант Визового Центра ЗП не указана Астана
Консультант Визового Центра, Италия ЗП не указана Шымкент

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