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BP Mobile
Работодатель: BP Mobile

BP Mobile is an industry-leading company that develops and publishes mobile-first products using cutting-edge innovations. 

We're on a mission to empower people with technology, as we believe it has the power to turn a mess into a miracle and improve the lives of millions. 

To achieve this goal and provide the challenge and freedom to create and grow, we built a world-class team of experts and trailblazers with a passion for great products. We set big goals, are proud of what we do, and value our people the most.

BP Mobile’s top apps include iScanner, Findo, Second Phone Number, and Cleaner Kit. The products constantly hit the charts and push the categories they are in forward.

Since the company's founding, we have grown to 300+ employees spread across the globe with a user base of over 500 million people, and we continue to grow rapidly as a team.

We welcome professionals who share our belief in technology and its ability to empower people!

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bpmobileapps
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bpmobileapps
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bpmobileapps

Все вакансии работодателя

Customer Service Specialist ЗП не указана Минск
Junior Front-end Developer ЗП не указана Минск
QA Engineer ЗП не указана Минск
Senior QA Engineer ЗП не указана Минск
QA Automation Team Lead ЗП не указана Минск

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