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Конкурс "Поделись с друзьями"
Работодатель: Когнитек

Cogniteq is a custom software development company with headquarters in Lithuania. It was founded and launched in 2005 and has grown steadily and successfully ever since. Now we have a team of over 90 developers, delivering exellent results for clients all around the world.  

Our employees have absolute freedom to choose a place where it would be convenient for them to work. This can be office in Poland, Warsaw - we are providing official relocate opportunities. Or it could be any other point on the world map.

Cogniteq is focused on the European, US and Asia markets. So far we have worked with clients from more than 30 countries. We've accomplished 300+ of successful projects for 100+ service & product based enterprises and startups. Our engineers developed solutions for such companies as DHL, McDonald's, Bosch, Audi, Volkswagen, American Express, Miele, etc.  

While great products and good collaboration are important, without mutual trust and supportive relationship we will not survive, so we work hard to build and maintain those values.

Our success is based on our prime asset - the team. Cogniteq is the power of people.

Все вакансии работодателя

Lead Generation Specialist (Europe market) ЗП не указана Минск

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