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Вакансия: IT Recruiter GEGI LLC
Работодатель: GEGI LLC
Обновлено: 01.09.2024 18:31:27
Регион: США
Опыт работы: От 3 до 6 лет
Оплата: От 1500 До 1800 USD
Тип занятости: Полная занятость

GEGI LLC specializes in creating a reliable, flexible, and affordable student management system for private schools in the United States. GEGI Student Management System assists clients in many areas in the learning process by providing admissions, compliance, financial aid, accounting and employment services.

Due to expansion, we are opening an IT Middle Recruiter position. We are looking for an active IT Recruiter whose primary responsibility will be to find the best talent for our team.


  • Minimum of 2 years experience in IT recruiting.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills, both in Russian and English.
  • Good knowledge of IT market and different tools/approaches to recruitment.
  • Ability to assess candidate's soft skills, motivation, values.
  • Self-study, organization, knowledge of programming languages, frameworks and libraries, IT positions and roles.
  • Responsibility and focus on results.
  • Ability to work with several tasks at the same time.
  • Willingness to learn and desire to develop.


  • Active search and headhunting.
  • Search through professional networks, databases, referrals, job sites, etc.
  • Daily communication with potential candidates via Skype/email/phone.
  • Conducting pre-screenings, interviews, and providing information about the company.
  • Creating/improving hiring processes - helping us to continually improve our processes.
  • Working with other HR tasks.

Terms and Conditions:

  • Full-time.
  • Teamwork.
  • Long term collaboration.
  • Payment in USD.

In your cover letter please tell about yourself, your experience for this position, your achievements. It is important to go over each of the requirements.

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Разработано в АЛЬФА Системс