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Конкурс "Поделись с друзьями"

Вакансия: Survey and Design manager ООО ZTE INVESTMENT
Обновлено: 21.08.2024 08:42:18
Регион: Ташкент
Опыт работы: Более 6 лет
Оплата: ЗП не указана
Тип занятости: Полная занятость
Описание: Responsibilities:
  • Organization of development, coordination and approval of project documentation (within the company);

  • Ensure that all design documents(Civil /MEP industry) and drawings are current and complete;

  • Managing project changes to minimize additional costs and meet financial targets;

  • Development and implementation of measures to reduce risks and manage changes in the project;

  • Organizing effective communications between all project participants;

  • Providing technical advice and recommendations at all stages of project implementation;

  • Support and development of the technical team;

  • Ensuring delivery of detailed design in accordance with established deadlines, budget and quality requirements.

  • Bachelor degree or higher in a technical field;
  • At least 5 years of work experience in a related field;
  • Good at MS office, AutoCAD;
  • Excellent Russian, English communication skills;
  • Willingness to business trips.
  • Medical insurance;
  • Payment for mobile communications;
  • Official registration from the first day of work, social guarantees;
  • Comfortable working conditions;
  • Working hours from 9.00 to 18.00, 5/2.

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