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Вакансия: CV Preparation Specialist Andersen
Работодатель: Andersen
Обновлено: 15.07.2024 09:39:44
Регион: Витебск
Опыт работы: Нет опыта
Оплата: ЗП не указана
Тип занятости: Полная занятость

The IT company Andersen invites a CV Preparation Specialist to join its team.

Andersen is a pre-IPO software development company that provides a full cycle of services. For over 16 years, we have been helping enterprises and middle-sized firms transform their businesses by creating effective digital solutions using innovative technologies.

Today, we are working with businesses from various parts of the world, including North America, Western Europe, Israel, Australia, and the UAE. Our expertise covers FinTech, Healthcare, Retail, Telecom, Media & Entertainment, Logistics, Travel & Hospitality, eCommerce, and other industries.

If you are responsible, creative, ready for a large amount of information and tasks, know how to prioritize your work, are not afraid of new challenges and dream of working in a large and constantly developing IT company, we will be glad to see you in our friendly team.


  • Creating resumes of candidates from the market and employees of the company.
  • Updating information in existing resumes.
  • Preparing resumes in customer formats.
  • Communicating with specialists from different departments of the company (developers, Project Manager, Business Analyst, designers, recruiters, etc.).


  • Experience working with MS Office, Google Docs.
  • Attentiveness, perseverance, analytical skills and excellent communication skills.
  • Ability to work in multitasking mode.
  • The ability to find and organize information.
  • Level of English – from Intermediate+ and above.


  • Experience working with documents or reporting.

Reasons to join us:

  • Andersen cooperates with such companies as Siemens, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, BNP Paribas, Allianz, Ryanair, TUI, Verivox, Media Markt, etc..
  • For the past four years, our company has been growing annually by 60–100%, and we constantly involve top-notch specialists in our team.
  • Andersen has mentoring and adaptation systems for new employees, and transparent performance review and assessment systems will allow you to determine your development path and plan your growth.
  • The most important thing that we value in our employees is a commitment to continuous learning. The company supports them in this and gives them access to the best educational platforms, seminars, and practices. In addition, for over 16 years, Andersen has assembled a huge knowledge base and established a robust resource management institution.
  • We have been strengthening our expertise since 2007. During this time, we have formed excellent teams with streamlined processes, where you can learn something new from your colleagues every day and enjoy your work.
  • We are a cool young team of like-minded people communicating informally.
  • You'll have a stable and competitive salary and an extensive benefits package.
  • At Andersen, we have many different ways to grow. You can improve as a specialist or a manager, and all your activities will be decently rewarded.

Join us!


Контактная информация доступна авторизованным пользователям

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Регион: Витебск
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Регион: Витебск
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