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Вакансия: Intern Front-end Developer Itransition
Работодатель: Itransition
Обновлено: 22.07.2024 16:37:43
Регион: Тбилиси
Опыт работы: Нет опыта
Оплата: ЗП не указана
Тип занятости: Стажировка

Itransition invites you to join our free internship for commercial frontend software development
Applicants will have to pass an entrance test. Please apply with a resume and after we consider your application, we will get back to you with more details.

Internship outline:

  • Attending lectures and seminars
  • Performing software development tasks
  • Independent study of training materials
  • Team work
  • Implementing a project on fully-functional web application development

What we expect from you:

  • Basic knowledge of Frontend development, basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Understanding of principles of web-development
  • Understanding of basics of version control systems (Git, Subversion)
  • Command of English, at least enough to understand technical texts
  • A drive to learn

What we offer:

  • 2-month internship with the possibility of further employment via a world leading software development company (according to Forrester, Deloitte and Zinnov Research).
  • Projects for such clients as PayPal, Wargaming, Xerox, Philips, adidas and Toyota
  • Competitive compensation that depends on your qualification and skills
  • Career development system with clear skill qualifications
  • Flexible working hours aligned to your schedule
  • Options to work remotely
  • Corporate medical insurance covering services of private and public medical centers
  • English courses online
  • Corporate parties and events for employees and their children
  • Internal conferences, workshops and meetups for learning and experience sharing
  • Gym membership compensation, corporate sport competitions (cybersport included)
  • 5 days of paid sick leave per year with no obligation to submit a sick-leave certificate

Контактная информация доступна авторизованным пользователям

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Разработано в АЛЬФА Системс