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Вакансия: Product Designer Termius
Работодатель: Termius
Обновлено: 10.08.2024 12:05:26
Регион: Тбилиси
Опыт работы: От 3 до 6 лет
Оплата: ЗП не указана
Тип занятости: Полная занятость

Termius's vision is to boost productivity and foster collaboration between DevOps and sysadmins by reinventing SSH and terminal. There are over 20 million engineers in the world, whom we can make 10x more productive by saving a lot of time and energy.

Termius has raised a seed round from the best Silicon Valley inventors and has more than 30,000 customers.

We aim to become the default tool for infrastructure maintenance for startups and enterprise companies.

You will:

  • Work directly with customers, engineers, and other decision-makers.
  • Design for mobile, desktop, and web.
  • Maintain and improve the design system.
  • Wear multiple hats like customer interviews, UX testing, UI design, etc.
  • Balance multiple projects, move quickly and take risks.
  • Work with Figma and modern user testing and prototyping tools.

You should:

  • Have a minimum of 3+ years of design experience or a bachelor's degree in a related field.
  • Be passionate about the end-user problem.
  • Be able to communicate and present your work in a clear and concise way.
  • Keep attention to detail.
  • Have a strong visual taste.
  • Participation in sync meetings around 4-6pm GMT+12.


  • Figma & Sketch.
  • Communication.
  • Design Collaboration.
  • Wireframing.
  • Problem Thinking.
  • Prototyping.
  • Brand Design.

We offer:

  • A competitive salary.
  • We will provide you with Apple Hardware and additional accessories for your computer to make your work even more efficient and comfortable.
  • Fail-fast-learn-fast environment and a sense of ownership.
  • Option to relocate to Auckland, New Zealand

To apply, please send us the following:

A cover letter introducing yourself, telling us why you want to work with us and why you love working as a designer. Please attach or link to your up-to-date portfolio to include information on the process you follow and the research you have done and that it presents your UX/UI skills in detail.

Your CV is not relevant at this stage.

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Разработано в АЛЬФА Системс