Вакансия: Payroll AccountantBrunel Atyrau LLP
Работодатель: Brunel Atyrau LLP
Обновлено: 25.07.2024 10:04:04
Регион: Атырау
Опыт работы: От 3 до 6 лет
Оплата: ЗП не указана
Тип занятости: Полная занятость

International Manpower, Resourcing company looking for:

Payroll Accountant

Atyrau, 5/2


  • Handling primary accounting documentation (orders, timesheets, advance reports, bank statements, sick leave certificates, writs of execution).
  • Calculating wages, vacation pay, bonuses, sick leave pay, and other income-related accruals for employees and recording such accruals in the Salary and Personnel Management program (ZUP).
  • Calculating payments and deductions, taxes, and contributions related to payroll.
  • Monitoring the timely accrual of indirect income in the program and synchronizing between 1C and ZUP.
  • Settlements according to court orders and interaction with judicial officer.
  • Controlling mutual settlements with personnel.
  • Working with online banking, making payments, and posting statements in the accounting program.
  • Posting advance reports and calculating business trip expenses.
  • Consulting employees on payroll calculation issues.
  • Preparing certificates for employees upon request.


  • Knowledge of Labor and Tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan regarding payroll calculation, taxable indirect income of employees, settlements with individuals under civil contracts, and business trip expenses documentation.
  • Knowledge of the taxation aspects of local and foreign employees.
  • At least 5 years’ experience with 2 years or more of full Payroll accounting processes is important.
  • Proficiency in English at least at an Intermediate level.
  • Experienced user of Excel.
  • Knowledge of accounting programs ZUP and 1C.
  • Knowledge and understanding of accounting entries.
  • Possession of professional ethics skills in communication with employees.

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