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Конкурс "Поделись с друзьями"

Вакансия: Junior Support Engineer (Vietnam) Servers.com
Работодатель: Servers.com
Обновлено: 19.08.2024 12:45:41
Регион: Вьетнам
Опыт работы: Нет опыта
Оплата: ЗП не указана
Тип занятости: Полная занятость

Servers.com, an international hosting provider, is looking for a Junior Support Engineer to join us due to the extension of the support team.

​All tasks are performed through corporate software without physically accessing the servers.​

During our cooperation, you will learn:

  • Linux basics.
  • Dell and Supermicro server maintenance.
  • Correspondence with clients.
  • Basic concepts of RAID technologies.
  • How to work with the internal automatic system.
  • Basic customization of servers for clients’ needs.

Cooperation terms:

  • Internship and training: the program will start with one month of training, followed by two months of internship, training and internships are paid.
  • Remuneration: the level of payments is discussed individually.
  • Opportunity to practice and improve your English: after six months of our cooperation, the company will cover the costs of English lessons.
  • Comfortable conditions: schedule without night shifts, no overtime, no phone support, smooth integration into the workflow.
  • Excellent professional prospects for technical specialists.
  • Mentor assistance, learning modern IT technologies.
  • All necessary equipment.
  • University degree.

  • Intermediate level of English.

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