Вакансия: Database Engineer (Python, PostgreSQL)Software Country (ТОО Балхаш Системс)
Работодатель: Software Country (ТОО Балхаш Системс)
Обновлено: 05.08.2024 12:59:46
Регион: Сербия
Опыт работы: От 3 до 6 лет
Оплата: ЗП не указана
Тип занятости: Полная занятость

Software Country is a technology company focused on providing software development services to clients worldwide. Our tech knowledge coupled with our deep industry expertise is what allows us to create effective high-quality solutions. We have been helping enterprises scale engineering capacity and deliver efficient software since 1993.

We are looking for a skilled database engineer with strong Python knowledge. Good English is a must. You will be responsible for developing multiple new databases for our computational chemistry and chemogenomics teams.

Our core team consists of 4 developers who are willing to help you and share knowledge together. There are also 8 people on adjacent projects as well as a team on stakeholders side.

The interview process includes 2 steps:
- technical interview;
- short presentation of the project where you will be able to ask all the questions that you would have.

One of the databases will hold billions of records about small molecules. You will be responsible for:

  • setting up the database with additional chemistry extensions;
  • optimizing database performance;
  • creating ETL pipelines that will load the data from multiple different data sources (external and inhouse), and in different formats (preferably Airflow);
  • creating ETL pipelines that perform additional calculations on large scale of data and populate those back to the database (billions of records).

Another database will be for collecting inhouse data about small molecules. You will be responsible for:

  • setting up the database with additional chemistry extension;
  • optimizing database performance;
  • creating ETL pipelines that will collect data produced by inhouse applications and load that into the database, according to schedule;
  • creating ETL pipelines that perform additional calculations on large scale of data and populate those back to the database (millions of records).


  • strong proficiency in Python (3+ years);
  • experience with PostgreSQL and setting up databases with chemistry extensions;
  • expertise in creating and optimizing ETL pipelines, preferably using Airflow;
  • familiarity with large-scale data handling;
  • knowledge of Docker, Gunicorn, FastAPI, RabbitMQ, Dramatiq/Celery, Redis, and Swagger is a plus.


  • flexible work schedule;
  • the ability to work remotely;
  • opportunities for professional growth;
  • medical insurance;
  • relocation bonus for candidates when moving.

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