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Конкурс "Поделись с друзьями"

Вакансия: Senior Lawyer Universal Еnergy (Qazaqstan) (Юниверсал Энерджи (Казахстан))
Работодатель: Universal Еnergy (Qazaqstan) (Юниверсал Энерджи (Казахстан))
Обновлено: 21.08.2024 12:50:23
Регион: Алматы
Опыт работы: От 3 до 6 лет
Оплата: ЗП не указана
Тип занятости: Полная занятость


Legal support of the company’s activity: preparation of foundation documents, changing charter capital amount, review of the various contracts, claim work, correspondence with the state authorities and other third parties and etc.);
Support of financing transactions with the financial transactions;
Share sale and purchase transactions;
Legal advisory work;
Verification of compliance of any regulations issued by the Company with the current legislation;
Protection of the Company's interests in various organizations;
Participation in legal due diligence with external law firms.

Work experience: at least 5 years.

Extensive experience in corporate law (with the focus on LLP’s);
Extensive experience in contractual matters (in review, draft, negotiating of various types of contracts);
Experience in financing matters (attraction of loans, working with the banks/financial institutions);
Experience in regulatory industries (currency control matters; license/permits; construction sector).
Education: Higher education
Advantage: LLM/Master’s degree in Law; experience in litigation.

Additional requirements: ability to handle stress, calm, committed to results, ability to work independently, and as a team player, flexibility.

Working Language: English

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