Вакансия: Deputy Director (Maintenance operations)СП КАТКО
Работодатель: СП КАТКО
Обновлено: 25.08.2024 15:11:49
Регион: Шымкент
Опыт работы: Более 6 лет
Оплата: ЗП не указана
Тип занятости: Полная занятость

Duties and functions:

  • Assist the Director in managing all maintenance operations.
  • Establish and manage technical and economic efficiency indices.
  • Oversee maintenance practices and programs, including establishing databases, documentation, and performance indicators.
  • Exercise continuous managerial control through performance indicators for maintenance activities.
  • Manage expenses of cost centers and analyze maintenance costs.
  • Optimize maintenance operations and contribute to the annual maintenance shutdown program.
  • Ensure efficient design decisions, preparation, technical operation, repair, and modernization of equipment.
  • Achieve high product quality during development and production.
General Requirements:
  • Degree in Mechanic (international degree will be an advantage);
  • Knowledge in Mechanic, Electrical, Civil Work, Instrumentation, Hydraulic
  • Knowledge of the Industrial Kazakh Rules Skills of management Strategy vision of maintenance Knowledge in TPM, 5S, FMEA Experience of the shutdown of installation Proactive, Rigorous, Communication.
  • the procedure of drawing and conformation of the plans of operation and management activity of the organization;
  • the methods of management and administration of the organization; the procedure of concluding and executing of management and financial contracts;
  • the scientific and technical achievements in the correlating type of economic activity and experience of leading organizations;
  • Competitive salary and benefits.
  • Rotational method of work, schedule 15/13, working hours from 08.00 to 20.00;
  • Professional development opportunities.

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Разработано в АЛЬФА Системс