Вакансия: American Logistics (Training Courses)
Работодатель: Next Decade Logistics
Обновлено: 23.09.2024 21:30:23
Регион: Ташкент
Опыт работы: Нет опыта
Оплата: ЗП не указана
Тип занятости: Полная занятость

Next Decade Logistics, in partnership with STL Truckers LLC, is launching training courses specialized in American Logistics.

Brief Inormation:

Duration: 1 month

Starting Date: October 14th 2024

Curriculum: 12 classes covering the fundamentals of logistics

Tuition: 3 mln sums

Requirements for Candidates:

- Minimum 19 years of age

- Excellent English

- Candidates MUST be students at universities or have a complete undergraduate degree

If you feel that you meet the requirements above, please send your resume and you will be invited for an interview (Telegram @JadenFox). Only the best candidates will be accepted for training.


Upon completion of the training program, an exam will be held and Next Decade will grant certificates to the participants. Top students will then be interviewed by the management and those who pass the interview successfully will be offered an opportunity to work alongside some of the best professionals in the field.

If interested please text @JadnFox via Telegram

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Разработано в АЛЬФА Системс