Вакансия: Middle QA Manual EngineerБЛД Софт
Работодатель: БЛД Софт
Обновлено: 24.09.2024 14:08:34
Регион: Минск
Опыт работы: От 3 до 6 лет
Оплата: ЗП не указана
Тип занятости: Полная занятость

BLD Soft is looking for Middle QA Manual Engineerto work in the office on own line of products for IPTV/OTT.

What you will do:

  • Test/Working with your own fleet of devices (Smart TV);

  • Be responsible for the quality of the product on the SmartTV platform;
  • Perform components, integration and regression tests;
  • Experience working with APIs (Postman, Swagger);
  • Work with DB (DBeaver, MySQL);
  • Ability to read and analyze logs;
  • Design tests and prepare test documentation, create and review test plans, define test strategies;
  • Prepare reports on test results;
  • Estimate tasks and releases;
  • Analyze and test application requirements;
  • Take part in project requirement discussions;
  • Support developers in testing new features in supported environments (BE, PO, QA, UI/UX);
  • Developed analytical skills, good memory, stress resistance, responsibility;
  • Knowledge of English (Written English which allowed to write bug reports, tasks, test documentation (В-1));
  • Deep understanding of Development Lifecycle; appreciation of Agile principles and self organization;
  • Good communication skills, strong sense of responsibility, attentiveness and good learning skills.

What additional skills will help you stand out?:

  • Experience with qase.io;
  • Perform front-end testing (WEB) - from year;
  • Create Postman collections;
  • Experience in localization and internationalization testing;
  • Experience with REST API from 2 year;
  • Experience with continuous integration tools (GitLab, GitHub);
  • Basic knowledge of Linux;
  • Experience with Docker;
  • Knowledge about Microservices;
  • Load testing experience;
  • Experience with autotests writing weith any popular solutions (Selenium, Playwright, Postman6 ect.).

We offer:

  • Comfortable office in city center;
  • Competitive salary, day-offs;
  • Complex and interesting tasks;
  • Work in a friendly team;
  • Ongoing professional development;
  • For more details see our company description page.

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