Вакансия: Middle/Senior PHP Software EngineerSyberry CIS
Работодатель: Syberry CIS
Обновлено: 09.08.2024 23:08:48
Регион: Минск
Опыт работы: От 1 года до 3 лет
Оплата: ЗП не указана
Тип занятости: Полная занятость

We are currently seeking a Middle or Senior PHP Software Engineer as our development team continues to grow.

Our projects:

Here are some project descriptions for you to understand better the range of opportunities that will be available to you at Syberry:

Project 1. Our client, an American company, buys defective phones, smartwatches, and tablets. We developed a dynamic web platform and a financial analytics system for them. The web platform manages buybacks, integrating with PayPal, UPS, and FedEx for efficient payments and shipment tracking. The financial system ensures seamless data flow and automatic transaction accounting. The project uses Laravel, CodeIgniter, and JavaScript as primary tech.

Project 2. Our client provides drug and alcohol testing solutions for workplaces, government, and clinical settings. We built a custom software solution with three main modules: a client module for reviewing test results, a lab module integrating multiple labs, and a reporting module for test result analysis. Additionally, there's an admin module for system administration. We aim to expand this system to a SaaS model using a white-label approach.

Project 3. Our client offers comprehensive construction services. They currently use a custom app, Excel, PDF tools, and third-party software for managing inventory, team management, payrolls, bidding, and planning. Service acceptance relies on verbal communication. The current system gives all users admin permissions, causing errors and limiting scalability. The client seeks a modern ERP solution to integrate all modules and tools, ensuring secure, distributed access to streamline and automate their processes.

What a PHP Software Engineer will do:

  • Design and implement functional behavior of software based on user needs;
  • Communicate with the US-based client;
  • Review code and design;
  • Cover existing and new functionality with auto tests;
  • Write technical documentation;
  • Optimize existing code.

About you:

  • 2+ years of experience developing web applications using PHP;
  • At least a B1 level of English;
  • Knowledge of and experience using Laravel, CodeIgniter (php).
  • Experience with Front-end and MySQL will be a plus

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