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Index Consulting Company
Работодатель: Index Consulting Company

Industry: Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing, Architecture and Architectural Services, Charities, Development & Non-Profit, Construction, Property Management and Surveying, Education, Energy, Utilities & Environmental Services, Engineering, Civil & Technical Consultancy, Environmental & Conservation Services

Index Consulting Company (ICC), established in 2018, started its operations in the consultancy market of Uzbekistan aiming to grow and expand into multiple sectors of homeland economy and further penetration into international markets. Now we are implementing projects, financed by leading international organizations and financial institutions in power generation and transmission, agriculture and irrigation sectors. Yet, we are growing and expanding. Services rendered: • Conducting social due diligence of projects (environmental and social safeguards); • Procurement services (development of bidding documents and carrying of international and national competitive bids (ICBs and NCBs); • Construction works oversight, serving as Engineer in accordance with FIDIC procedures and MDBs harmonized guidelines; • Legal due diligence of international contracts; • Contract management and supervision.

Все вакансии работодателя

Координатор проектов ЗП не указана Ташкент
Финансовый аналитик / экономист (моделирование контрактов ГЧП) ЗП не указана Ташкент

'yenisite:facebook.comments' is not a component

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