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Hyundai AutoEver Rus
Работодатель: Hyundai AutoEver Rus

Hyundai AutoEver is a specialized IT service company of Hyundai Motor Group that was launched as an independent corporation separated from the IT department of Hyundai Motor Group in April 2000. Based on the accumulated IT service know how and advanced technical power, Hyundai AutoEver has maintained continuous growth in the Group's core business such as automobile, steel, logistics, heavy industry, construction, finance and leisure. Under the philosophy of 'becoming an IT service company that raises customer value', Hyundai AutoEver places the № 1 priority on advancing information for the customer company and nurtures the best information technology and experts. In addition, Hyundai AutoEver is the best partner that enhances work efficiency by realizing standardization and integration of information technology under the slogan of "Quality First", successfully implements the management strategy by improving quality and explores the future value of the customer company. 

Hyundai AutoEver will be the best IT partner who strengthens the customer company's competitiveness.

Все вакансии работодателя

Разработчик / Software Developer ЗП не указана Санкт-Петербург
ИТ Специалист / IT Specialist ЗП не указана Санкт-Петербург
ИТ Специалист (1я линия, техническая поддержка пользователей) ЗП не указана Санкт-Петербург
Системный Администратор / MES System Administrator ЗП не указана Санкт-Петербург
Специалист техподдержки на производстве / MES Operator От 60000 RUR Санкт-Петербург
Специалист по технической поддержке / Helpdesk Specialist ЗП не указана Москва
Старший консультант SAP FI/CO ЗП не указана Москва
Консультант SAP HCM / SAP HCM Consultant ЗП не указана Москва

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