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Конкурс "Поделись с друзьями"

Вакансия: Fire fighting Engineer ООО ZTE INVESTMENT
Обновлено: 22.08.2024 10:03:39
Регион: Ташкент
Опыт работы: От 3 до 6 лет
Оплата: ЗП не указана
Тип занятости: Полная занятость
Описание: Responsibilities:
  • Development of design and working documentation for security systems (burglar alarm systems, access control and management, security television, inspection systems, etc.) and fire safety systems (fire alarm systems, notification systems, automation of fire extinguishing systems) of site and linear facilities, data centers, industrial and administrative buildings, communication facilities in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents;

  • Design of fire extinguishing systems, fire alarms, warning systems;

  • Collection of initial data and pre-project inspection of objects;

  • Coordination of design documentation with the customer;

  • Drawing up estimate documentation;

  • Interaction with related and contractor organizations;

  • Author's supervision and support of project execution (if necessary);

  • Making adjustments to existing projects, removing comments from the customer and expert organizations, selecting equipment, etc.

  • Bachelor degree or higher in a technical field;
  • At least 3 years of work experience as a fire fighting engineer;
  • Good at MS office, AutoCAD;
  • Excellent Russian, English and Uzbek communication skills;
  • Willingness to business trips.
  • Medical insurance;
  • Payment for mobile communications;
  • Official registration from the first day of work, social guarantees;
  • Comfortable working conditions;
  • Working hours from 9.00 to 18.00, 5/2.

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