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Конкурс "Поделись с друзьями"

Вакансия: Network Engineer Servers.com
Работодатель: Servers.com
Обновлено: 17.08.2024 11:34:24
Регион: Вьетнам
Опыт работы: От 1 года до 3 лет
Оплата: ЗП не указана
Тип занятости: Полная занятость

We are looking for a Network Engineer to join us.

Servers.com is an international hosting provider with data centers in the US, Europe and Asia.

We provide reliable business solutions: dedicated servers, cloud technologies, load balancer, firewall, Kubernetes and monitoring services.

Clients use our services to deploy game servers, payment gateways, streaming services and other high-load systems.

Key tasks:

  • providing network equipment administration at multiple data centers;
  • performing the routine and emergency maintenance works on network equipment;
  • dealing with requests from external and internal clients;
  • directly participating in internal projects (developing network, connecting new locations, implementing new equipment, automation).


  • proficiency in LAN/WAN principles;
  • strong understanding of dynamic network protocols (BGP/OSPF);
  • understanding L2-networking: VLANs, xSTP family, LACP, Redundancy (LACP/VRRP/etc);
  • ability to perform basic network troubleshooting;
  • English level sufficient for reading technical documentation and communicating with customers (Intermediate at least);
  • ability to learn, communication skills, willingness to take in and analyze large amounts of new information (mostly technical in English).

Will be a plus:

  • experience with network equipment from Extreme, Juniper or Nokia;
  • EVPN and/or MPLS knowledge;
  • certifications from network equipment and software vendors;
  • experience in telecom and/or datacenter networking.

What do we offer:

  • work in a team of professionals at international level;
  • comfortable working conditions: schedule without night shifts, no overtime, no phone support, smooth integration into the workflow;
  • relocation support to Da Nang and organization of the working visa-obtaining process;
  • competitive salary, and official employment in accordance with local labor law;
  • provision of all nessasary hardware;
  • corporate English Program Compensation.

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