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Конкурс "Поделись с друзьями"

Вакансия: Junior Data&AI consultant KPMG
Работодатель: KPMG
Обновлено: 05.08.2024 13:41:01
Регион: Алматы
Опыт работы: Нет опыта
Оплата: ЗП не указана
Тип занятости: Полная занятость

Most important characteristics, we are looking for:

  • Passion on IT, Digital, Industry 4.0, Advanced Data Analytics… - everything that is new and challenging
  • Willingness to experiment during and after work hours
  • Multitasking
  • Ability to work under pressure
  • Ability to work both in teams and solely
  • Good communication and writing skills
  • Design and creative thinking
  • Any extracurricular activities during the study

Technical skills that would be quite useful:

  • Bachelor or Master degree in Mathematics/ Computer Science/ Data Science/ Econometrics/ Statistics/ Computer Simulation
  • Knowledge of data analytics tools and techniques (such as SQL, R, Python)
  • Good understanding of business modelling notations
  • Good understanding of basic statistics and econometrics concepts (regressions, decision trees, clustering, correlations, time series, panel data analysis, etc.)

Additional knowledge will be a big advantage

  • Knowledge of technique for processing big amounts of data using the specialized engines (Spark, Hadoop)
  • Knowledge of principles of data architecture and data management;
  • Familiar with industry-recognized methodologies and practices on data architecture, data management (e.g DMBOK, CDMP, CIP, TOGAF)
  • Knowledge of process mining theory, tools and techniques
  • Experience CAAT (e.g. IDEA, ACL, etc.)
  • Experience with accounting systems and principles
  • Experience with data base administration (especially, such as Postgre, MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle, different NoSQL databases)
  • Coding experience (with C++/ C#, .NET/ Java/ Python/ PHP)

What we offer:

  • Continuous pipeline of challenging tasks and activities requiring great amount of autonomy, self-study, analytical work, creativity, communication with team members and clients
  • Participation in real projects and pre-sale activities for real clients across CIS
  • Friendly and supportive team and environment, including personal coach
  • Lab for experimenting with datasets (apart from company laptop)
  • Access to study materials, professional and fiction e-books, subscriptions, in-house and external training, professional certifications
  • Transparent career and financial growth

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