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Конкурс "Поделись с друзьями"

Вакансия: Contract Engineer FSSA
Работодатель: FSSA
Обновлено: 21.08.2024 13:07:20
Регион: Актау
Опыт работы: Более 6 лет
Оплата: ЗП не указана
Тип занятости: Полная занятость

Job Duties:

• ​​​​​​Notification in writing and orally to his/her immediate supervisor/director of a department/business unit and/or the management of the Company about a conflict of interest that has arisen or about its possible occurrence, from the moment such a fact is discovered or as soon as he/she becomes aware of it.

• Ensuring the maintenance of incoming and outgoing correspondence, ensuring the timely delivery of documents and instructions from management to executors, taking measures for the safety and drawing up of documents, as well as monitoring the timely execution of documents and instructions from the management within the established deadlines, within the competence of the business unit.

• Ensuring compliance with procurement rules and procedures within the competence of the business unit.

• Execute various types of procurement activities in compliance with GWS Procurement Rules, Company and Parent Companies guidelines and policies in DUET;

• To coordinate the end-to-end procurement cycle that includes procurement planning, sourcing, tendering and contract award, contract management, amendments and final close out of contracts;

• To collect the demand from the assigned Contract Holders for Annual Procurement Plan in accordance with the established schedule;

• To perform the market analysis (Request for Information (RFI) or Prequalification(PQ) in accordance with the scope of works and/or supply provided by Contract Holders including preparation of RFI/PQ packages, studying the market for the potential bidders, coordinating the evaluation process and presenting the final results to the management;

• To identify the relevant procurement method and develop cost models;

• To check the scope of works and pricelists to ensure their compliance and unambiguity;

• To check the Tender Evaluation Plans to ensure the uniform, equitable and impartial evaluation of the tender bids;

• To check all the documents submitted by Contract Holder for Affiliate Contract Committee, Authorized Body of the Kazakh Party and Partners and ensure that all approvals are duly recorded and filed;

• To coordinate the preparation of the call for tenders and request for quotations, draft the contractual document and the Instructions to Tenderers and issue them to the approved bidders;

• To coordinate the clarification process during the tendering period and after the submission of bids;

• To arrange the bid opening with proper recordings;

• To coordinate and conduct commercial (unpriced and priced) evaluation of tender offers including verification of all qualification requirements;

• To prepare the Contract based on the draft contract (or general conditions) issued with the call for tenders, considering the results of clarifications and negotiations conducted throughout this step with the selected bidder and arrange signing it from both sides upon the receipt of relevant approvals;

• Be the focal point for the management of NTB/SSJ based procurement as requested by internal stakeholders and/or Department Management and make sure the relevant process is strictly followed.

• To facilitate contract kick-off meetings in accordance with procedures, provide the contractual support, manage the Amendments and claims;

• To manage relationships with global and local stakeholders: technical customer departments, the Total Global Procurement office, quality control, legal, HSE, vendors etc;

• To provide the Procurement Reporting in line with Parent Companies requirements, Procurement Procedures and RoK regulations;

• To ensure that in all matters prudence and confidentiality is exercised;

• To demonstrate commitment to all company values in thoughts and actions as an individual contributor and as a team member;

• To demonstrate continuous efforts to improve operations, decrease turnaround and lead times and streamline work processes working co-operatively to provide quality seamless internal customer support;

• To develop and foster local content in compliance with the requirements of PSA, JOA and/or regulatory requirements;

• Other duties as required by Department Management.


• Bachelor / Diploma certificate in a commercial, law, finance disciplines or any other equivalent
• Min 5 years of related experience in Procurement dealing with tenders
• Experience of working in a multi-national and within a multi-cultural environment
• Proven record of working in compliance with ethical, unbiased, fair, transparent and non-discriminatory procurement practice
• Experienced in reviewing and negotiating complex Contracts
• Good organizational and project management skills
• Strong customer focus as a key to successful interactions with a diverse group of stakeholders
• Ability to work under pressure and to drive changes
• Good communication and presentation skills, both verbal and written
• Strong analytical and negotiation skills
• Independent and a self-starter capable of working in a team
• Good commercial acumen and knowledge of procurement processes in the Oil and Gas industry
• At least 3 years of experience of EPC tenders and contracts including in the Oil & Gas industry
• Methods of long-term and short-term planning of department's activities and resources
• Experienced in reviewing and finalizing technical Contracts
• Understanding of the drawings and materials specifications
• Diploma/Qualification in Supply Chain
• Fluent English

Location & Work schedule:

• Aktau 5/2

Контактная информация доступна авторизованным пользователям

Вакансия: Инженер-сметчик Проектный институт OPTIMUM
Работодатель: Проектный институт OPTIMUM
Регион: Актау
Оплата: ЗП не указана
Вакансия: Контролер-кассир
Регион: Актау
Оплата: От 250000 До 250000 KZT
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Работодатель: JD GROUP
Регион: Актау
Оплата: От 180000 До 280000 KZT
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Работодатель: Юго-Восточная сервисная группа
Регион: Актау
Оплата: От 328904 KZT
Вакансия: Менеджер по туризму г. Актау KazAllianceGroup
Работодатель: KazAllianceGroup
Регион: Актау
Оплата: От 180000 До 500000 KZT
Вакансия: Несие маман/Начинающий специалист/Бағалау сарапшысы (маманы) THE BEST SELLER
Работодатель: THE BEST SELLER
Регион: Актау
Оплата: От 250000 До 300000 KZT
Вакансия: Администратор ресепшен
Работодатель: ИК
Регион: Актау
Оплата: От 235000 До 300000 KZT
Вакансия: Торговый представитель (инструменты) ECO GROUP KAZAKHSTAN (ЭКО ГРУПП КАЗАХСТАН)
Регион: Актау
Оплата: От 500000 KZT
Вакансия: Торговый представитель строительных материалов B2B Давлетов А.Х.
Работодатель: Давлетов А.Х.
Регион: Актау
Оплата: От 350000 До 450000 KZT
Вакансия: Упаковщик - фасовщик на производство Лаворо групп
Работодатель: Лаворо групп
Регион: Актау
Оплата: От 180000 До 360000 RUR
Вакансия: Страховой агент (фриланс) Нефтяная страховая компания
Работодатель: Нефтяная страховая компания
Регион: Актау
Оплата: ЗП не указана
Вакансия: Менеджер по продажам Электрокомплект-Актау
Работодатель: Электрокомплект-Актау
Регион: Актау
Оплата: От 300000 KZT
Вакансия: Продавец-консультант
Работодатель: БАЗАРБАЕВ Д.Б.
Регион: Актау
Оплата: От 200000 KZT
Вакансия: Инженер ПТО
Регион: Актау
Оплата: От 200 До 400 KZT
Вакансия: Региональный менеджер по продажам Казах Кенсе
Работодатель: Казах Кенсе
Регион: Актау
Оплата: От 250000 До 300000 KZT
Вакансия: Представитель бренда TVIN KAZAKHSTAN (ТВИН КАЗАХСТАН)
Регион: Актау
Оплата: ЗП не указана
Вакансия: Автомеханик Hyundai Aktau
Работодатель: Hyundai Aktau
Регион: Актау
Оплата: От 150000 До 450000 KZT
Вакансия: Сварной-измеритель ВОЛС опорной сети, Актау Freedom Telecom Operations
Работодатель: Freedom Telecom Operations
Регион: Актау
Оплата: ЗП не указана

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Разработано в АЛЬФА Системс