Вакансия: Real Estate Agent, Realiste AI, DubaiРеалист
Работодатель: Реалист
Обновлено: 22.09.2024 15:15:01
Регион: ОАЭ
Опыт работы: От 1 года до 3 лет
Оплата: ЗП не указана
Тип занятости: Полная занятость

About the Company:

Realiste AI is an innovative leader in the real estate investment sector, occupying a unique position globally. Our one-of-a-kind product, akin to the "Google of real estate investments," facilitates seamless investments in real estate by private and institutional investors across various global cities.

Want to share with you some unique opportunities for real estate agents that we offer:

- 80% commission for every transaction completed through our platform.

- 70% of the commission is paid instantly—right after the deal is closed!

How it works?

Realiste provides a platform for choosing off plan projects in Dubai and Abu Dhabi for your clients. There are analytics, forecasts and ready-made collections and creation of presentations in 1 click for clients.

You offer your clients to buy real estate in Dubai, Realiste provides all the technical work with developers and guarantees the payment of the commission.

The deal went through - you get 80% of the developers' commission after we receive it from developer (in average 2/3 months after transaction).

If you don't want to wait - we have an Instant Payout solution - we pay you 70% of the developers commission on the next day after the transaction.

(Average commission in UAE is 5%). Payments to any country in the world to the account.

Skills Required:

  • Excellent communication skills.

  • Eagerness to develop in the real estate sales field.


  • Advising clients on all matters related to buying and selling real estate.

  • Assisting the clients throughout the whole transaction process.

  • Monitoring and analyzing the real estate market.

  • Negotiating contracts with clients.

  • Providing necessary information about the company.

We are currently seeking candidates who are based in Dubai.

Company Principles and Culture:

  • Our clients come first. We always prioritize their interests over ours. We only win when our clients win. If our clients lose, we lose too.

  • Our AI provides our clients with an advantage over traditional investment methods. We aim to double our clients' earnings while minimizing risks.

  • Always act in the company's interests, not your personal interests.

  • Culture is important. Avoid working with unpleasant people - they won't take responsibility for their words and actions.

  • Always make sure the unit economics are positive.

  • Take action to prevent downtime.

  • We treat everyone equally, regardless of age, religion, orientation, nationality, or political views.

  • Every employee must be a shareholder. Share distribution is based on excellent work, and employees can also buy shares at a special price.

Контактная информация доступна авторизованным пользователям

Убедительно обращаем Ваше внимание на то, что вся информация, размещенная на данном интернет-сайте, носит сугубо информационный характер и не являются публичной офертой, определяемой положениями Статьи 437 (2) ГК РФ. Для получения точной информации о стоимости товаров, пожалуйста, обращайтесь в ближайший офис продаж.

Разработано в АЛЬФА Системс