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Конкурс "Поделись с друзьями"

Вакансия: CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
Работодатель: Баретт-Групп
Обновлено: 03.09.2024 16:30:20
Регион: Кипр
Опыт работы: Более 6 лет
Оплата: ЗП не указана
Тип занятости: Полная занятость

Main functions:

  • Development of draft financial plans, forecasts of balance sheets and cash budgets for the purpose of effective planning of the company's activities and the use of financial resources, as well as monitoring the implementation of the financial plan and budget, profit plan and other financial indicators.
  • Optimization of expenses and commissions. Control of key parameters.
  • Diversification: control and optimization (geography, financial instruments, currencies, banks, risks).
  • Financial stress test of the portfolio. Coordination of the IT strategy for the development of accounting systems and implementation of the work plan.
  • Cash flow management and effective management of free cash, as well as timely settlements (payments) with the company's counterparties in order to fulfill the company's obligations.
  • Analysis and economic evaluation of investment projects, as well as further monitoring of indicators in order to maximize profits.
  • Identification of violations in investment projects.


  • Higher education in finance.
  • English - at least intermediate.
  • Knowledge of methods of financial analysis, financial planning, investment evaluation, valuation.
  • Knowledge of international financial reporting standards.
  • Knowledge of the legal aspects of doing business.
  • Ability to form pricing policy, credit policy, investment policy, internal control system, budget policy, working capital management policy.
  • Experience in setting up and developing a management accounting system.
  • The ability to form business contacts and interact with the internal and external environment of the company.


  • Official employment.
  • Submission to the owner.
  • Work in an ambitious and young team.
  • Working with interesting and challenging tasks.

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