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Вакансия: Senior Front-end Developer UAB Loberta
Работодатель: UAB Loberta
Обновлено: 06.09.2024 07:54:41
Регион: Литва
Опыт работы: От 3 до 6 лет
Оплата: От 2500 USD
Тип занятости: Полная занятость

Who we are:

Seeking a skilled Senior Front-end Developer to join our fast-paced team. If you have a passion for cutting-edge web development and iGaming, this job could be perfect for you! We are looking for a developer who can evaluate the quality of current project games and understand how they work. Later, request new features and bug fixes from current developers and accept their work. Eventually, begin creating games independently. Write requirements for gaming studios regarding how designs and animations should be prepared.

What you’ll be doing:

  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to design and develop HTML5 games.

  • Craft elegant, efficient, and maintainable code while maintaining a sharp focus on the end user’s experience.

  • Ensure the technical feasibility of UI/UX designs, balancing creativity with technical constraints.

  • Stay at the forefront of web development trends, implementing innovative solutions to drive the gaming experience forward.

Who you are and whom we’re seeking:

  • 3+ years of experience as a JavaScript/TypeScript Developer;

  • Strong knowledge of Pixi.js or Phaser 3 is a MUST.

  • Strong knowledge of OOP fundamentals and game programming patterns;

  • Experience in game development;

  • Strong knowledge of Spine

  • Proven experience with GSAP

  • Ability to write clean code;

  • Experience with git;

  • Experience working in a team, good communication skills;

  • At least intermediate English language proficiency.


  • Experience with browser Dev Tools - for performance analysis and debugging

  • Portfolio with your own projects on GitHub

What we offer:

  • A competitive salary

  • Flexible work schedule

  • Excellent opportunities for career advancement

  • A long-term job with a prospect of financial and career growth

  • A friendly and positive work environment with like-minded teammates

When submitting your application, please ensure you respond to the following screening questions:

  1. How many years of experience do you have in front-end development?

  2. Please describe your experience and proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and specify your years of experience in HTML5 game development.

  3. Which game development frameworks/libraries are you most comfortable with, and can you provide examples of projects where you have utilized them?

  4. Please write details about your experience with each of:

    1. TypeScript

    2. Pixi.js

    3. GSAP

    4. Spine

  5. Would you agree to do a test task before an interview? This would allow us to evaluate your skills and make an appropriate financial offer to you.

  6. What are your Monthly salary expectations for a long-term, full-time position (if we consider 40 hours a week)?

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