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Конкурс "Поделись с друзьями"

Вакансия: Customer success specialist Pranas
Работодатель: Pranas
Обновлено: 21.09.2024 18:16:28
Регион: Тбилиси
Опыт работы: От 1 года до 3 лет
Оплата: От 900 До 1500 USD
Тип занятости: Полная занятость

We are an award-winning IT start-up and looking for a new customer support member with C1/C2 English level and strong communication skills.

What we are looking for:

  • Ability to express yourself clearly and communicate your message effectively
  • Ability to organize yourself and prioritize your tasks
  • Ability to learn and work with lots of information
  • Strong technical skills
  • C1 level of English and native or near-native level of Russian language
  • Complete Bachelor degree

Your responsibilities will include:

  • Supporting customers via chat and email
  • Passing bugs to developers and tracking the progress
  • Doing product presentations via Zoom
  • Issuing invoices and sales quotations
  • Showing initiative and bringing suggestions based on dialogues with clients and own experience
  • Helping with marketing tasks and website content.

What we offer:

  • Full-time job with flexible hours between 8 am EST - 6 pm EST. You can choose any 30-40 hours within this timeframe.

  • Hourly payment rate based on your performance. We always recognize initiative and are willing to renegotiate the rate based on your contribution.

  • No sales targets, commissions, or fines. Our goal is to show the product, collect feedback and deal with issues. We don’t do aggressive sales or try to upsell things our clients don’t need.

  • Opportunities to grow.

  • Multicultural and open environment.

Контактная информация доступна авторизованным пользователям

Убедительно обращаем Ваше внимание на то, что вся информация, размещенная на данном интернет-сайте, носит сугубо информационный характер и не являются публичной офертой, определяемой положениями Статьи 437 (2) ГК РФ. Для получения точной информации о стоимости товаров, пожалуйста, обращайтесь в ближайший офис продаж.

Разработано в АЛЬФА Системс