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Конкурс "Поделись с друзьями"

Вакансия: Head of the Meditation Practices Center, Research Analyst SKL.VC
Работодатель: SKL.VC
Обновлено: 22.09.2024 14:26:30
Регион: Москва
Опыт работы: Нет опыта
Оплата: ЗП не указана
Тип занятости: Полная занятость

Position: Head of the Meditation Practices Center, Research Analyst

Professional Area: Meditation practices and their impact on professional activities and psychological well-being.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Establishing a center for meditation practices (Vipassana, dark retreats, floating meditation) to study their influence on professional activities and psychological well-being. A similar center was founded by Svyatoslav Medvedev – the Center for Research on Meditation and Altered States of Consciousness based in Buddhist monasteries in southern India.

  • Conducting research (testing and other methods to collect primary data and analyze it) within the professional area and preparing reports (gathering and analyzing ready information);

  • Selecting specialists and practices;

  • Coaching and advising within the professional area.

Expectations from the Expert:

  • Academic, master's degree in neuropsychology, neurophysiology, psychiatry, with research experience in the professional area;

  • Personal practice of meditation;

  • Preferably, experience working in commercial organizations in managerial positions (training/coaching/organizational development, as examples);

  • Publications in leading international/domestic journals (such a scientific portfolio would be a significant advantage);

  • English language proficiency at Intermediate level or higher.

Partnership conditions are discussed individually with each candidate, including location and form of employment.

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