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Работодатель: a1qa (ООО ITRANSITION)

a1qa provides a testing package of consulting and organization of Quality Control procedures which includes automated testing, QA management and coordination of distributed teams on integrative projects. 

We help developers and system integrators deliver high-quality software and increase the level of customer satisfaction. 

We have professional testing teams fit for very specific purposes. Experience, systematic approachs and a smoothly running workflow allow the painless integration of a1qa teams into the development process to ensure a high quality of software. 

We assist in the smooth launch of IT projects to lower the total cost of ownership for IT systems. 

We're fully aware of the risks related to project implementation in IT and posess the significant ability to minimize them by providing pre-project services, well-rounded acceptance tests and IT security auditing. 

Все вакансии работодателя

Junior Business Analyst ЗП не указана Астана
Junior QA Tester ЗП не указана Батуми
Junior Business Analyst ЗП не указана Ташкент
Junior Business Analyst ЗП не указана Тбилиси
Junior QA Tester ЗП не указана Тбилиси
Office-Event Manager ЗП не указана Алматы
Junior Business Analyst ЗП не указана Баку
Talents Acquisition Assistant (Psychologist Interviewer) ЗП не указана Батуми
Talents Acquisition Assistant (Psychologist Interviewer) ЗП не указана Тбилиси
Junior QA Automation Engineer ЗП не указана Батуми
Junior QA Automation Engineer ЗП не указана Тбилиси

'yenisite:facebook.comments' is not a component

'yenisite:vk.comments' is not a component

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